Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pueblo in Adobe

I don't quite know where Pueblo (this week's  color in Luna's color challenge) got it's name. But I get associations to adobe structures and Southwestern cities in places like New Mexico. I searched for such a place, and (dressed in Pueblo colors from Kunglers) indeed found one - even with pueblo written on the wall.

I got almost immersed in an adobe structure  - then the dry heat got to me. I wanted to escape to another climate, another atmosphere.

Sitting on a bench overlooking the Mediterranean feels better for an inveterate European.

The close-up shows the splendor of the Kungler necklace.

What I'm wearing:
Dress from Kunglers, group gift April2012 - tube dress
Hair from Alice project, Kiera, orange
Shoes from ISON - color block prism pump, black (from past Collabor8)
Necklace, earrings and ring  from Kunglers, nightbloom

Locations: The Pueblos at coyote


  1. Wow you found a place with pueblo on the wall!!! and the dress is perfect for you..very elegant. Pictures made from different view points! i like that very much

  2. I like your story. Cool Pueblo but.. a European girl's heart wants something else after a while! Cute dress!
