Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Darkness falls

It can't be denied. It is getting darker. Autumn is here. Halloween was here, horror and  gruesomeness was there.
So I went to one of the darker places in SL. It was , I discovered , a scary asylum of sorts, where you could solve puzzles and things. I never really understood the rules, even after a long time brooding on a couch.
I sat there for so long that I almost disappeared - absorbed into the many-coloured darkness.

Outside in the garden, the first person I met accosted me in a strange, to me, language. Turned out the person was from Romania. I don't know about you, but even though I know many absolutely normal, mild mannered, hard working people from that nation, I could not help but thinking of Count Dracula, that Transylvanian gentleman- enough so to make me feel horrified in that darkness falling.

But in my doll-like skin , my mesh skirt, that I'm sure made me look strange to those around me not using a mesh compatible viewer, I might have been the scary one. I never got to understand what the game was about, but the build and the atmosphere was great, and people were driving hammers through glass and noises resounded through the SIM, while I was just standing there posing in front of the gates to freedom trying to show you my latest fashion finds.

What I'm wearing:

Pullover: Barbara in Olive from LeeZu (from TDR)
Skirt: Oxford Pencil Skirt (dark beige, MESH) from mon tissu
Boots: Tiburon in brown,  from YS&YS
Stockings from p.c. - Mud Diamonds
Hair: Mourray in SoySauce from Truth
Skin: Doll Skin from sYs (from TDR)
Eyes: moon-autums from Poetic Colors (free)

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